August Events in Brevard
Thank you for visiting resource for SpaceCoast gamers and visitors to Brevard Florida.
Now living through our 2nd spike of COVID cases for Florida, businesses continue to put safety and cleansing practices in place to keep doors open. Masks are now required at businesses and some continue to offer online ordering and curbside pickup. A big welcome to two new openings:
The Game Over Bar Arcade located in Melbourne and The Brevard Gaming Lounge in Suntree. The Game Over Bar Arcade has many big hit pinball machines, drinks and food. The Brevard Gaming Lounge is a new spot for table top and board games, be sure to check out their minitures.
We continue to pursue Call of Duty Modern Warfare as our first game for league and tournament play. With COVID, we decided to host these tournaments online starting with 1 vs 1 on Gunfight maps with default ruleset. Each month will highlight 1 map, best of 3 in a single elimination bracket. Currently we have King of the Shipment registration open, and will be hosted by us on channel for you to catch all the action. Prizes to be announced.
King of the Shipment - August 16th @ 4:30PM
Online - Hosted by 321Gaming#
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 1 vs 1
Registration Link - Facebook Link
Magic the Gathering - August 10th @ 6:30PM
Modern Monday Weekly Event at
Ready. Set. Game.
Facebook Event Link
Code Ninja's Minecraft Summer Camp @ 8AM
Story Telling in Scratch & Modding in Minecraft
Taught at Code Ninjas Viera
Facebook Link
Don't forget to check out our Event's page for a list of upcoming and past events. Next month we have another CODMW tournament scheduled for the 3rd Sunday. More news to come on that and other Brevard gaming events.