4 events found.
MTG Friday Night 6:10 Competitive Draft
Old School Games And CardsJoin us for our weekly Magic: The Gathering Friday Night 6:10 Competitive Draft! We are an official WPN store! Come out and play the latest sets and win promos! Our ... Read more
One Piece Weekly Locals
801 Dixon Blvd 3001 Fell Rd, Melbourne5 Dollar entry, Swiss Rounds, Best of 1 BandaiTCG+ App Registration Required Tournament pack upon entry https://www.facebook.com/events/574623002098163/?event_time_id=574623085431488
Weekly Yu-gi-oh
801 Dixon Blvd 3001 Fell Rd, Melbourne$10 entry OTS pack and pack per entry 1 pack per person into prizing https://www.facebook.com/events/578812644991132/?event_time_id=578812734991123