Space Coast Gaming Events

Pokémon League Play

3020 West New Haven Ave. Melbourne, FL, United States

Calling Pokemon trainers of all ages and experience level, we hold Pokemon League every Friday form 5-7pm in our game room. Cost is free Supports TCG, VGC, and Go play. We are an official Pokemon League location.

MTG Friday Night 6:10 Competitive Draft

Old School Games And Cards

Join us for our weekly Magic: The Gathering Friday Night 6:10 Competitive Draft! We are an official WPN store! Come out and play the latest sets and win promos! Our 6:10 draft is ideal for a competitive experience.

One Piece Weekly Locals

801 Dixon Blvd 3001 Fell Rd, Melbourne, FL, United States

5 Dollar entry, Swiss Rounds, Best of 1 BandaiTCG+ App Registration Required Tournament pack upon entry

Weekly Yu-gi-oh

801 Dixon Blvd 3001 Fell Rd, Melbourne, FL, United States

$10 entry OTS pack and pack per entry 1 pack per person into prizing

Gutter Disaster Part One

The Brevard Game Lounge

This will be PART ONE of FOUR of a Gutter Bowl tournament series to be culminated at Chaos Cup. Each event will have its own awards and NAF placement, with an overall series winner being awarded after part four at Chaos Cup. Stay tuned for ruleset details and the preceding event details once I have ... Read more

Magic Academy: Learn to Play Event!

Old School Games And Cards

Join us for our Magic Academy: Learn to Play event! Participants will receive a welcome deck, learn to play brochure and pocket reference card, and a sticker sheet.

GamerzRUs Lorcana League

Gamerz R Us 3299 Commerce Rd, United States

Lorcana League Free play and open play Join us every Saturday

Lorcana Weekly draft

801 Dixon Blvd 3001 Fell Rd, Melbourne, FL, United States

$25 Entry 3 pack draft pack per person on entry Packer per person into prizing

Union Arena Weekly Tournament

801 Dixon Blvd 3001 Fell Rd, Melbourne, FL, United States

$5 entry constructed format 1 Tournament pack per participant 1 winner card per 8 players

Digimon Locals

801 Dixon Blvd 3001 Fell Rd, Melbourne, FL, United States

$5 Dollar Entry Pack and Tournament Pack upon entry. Swiss Rounds. Best of 3. Winner Tournament packs for every 8 players