Space Coast Gaming Events

DBS: Fusion World Locals

Gamerz R Us 3299 Commerce Rd, United States

6 Dollar entry, Each entrant will receive 1 Tournament pack 1 and 1 Energy Marker Promotional Pack upon entry. Top placement for every 8 people will receive one winner pack.

Saturday Standard

3020 West New Haven Ave. Melbourne, FL, United States

$10 entry 100 % of entry goes into Store Credit prize pool. Store credit or promos down to last place (must stay till end for standings)

GamerzRUs Digimon Locals

Gamerz R Us 3299 Commerce Rd, United States

10 Dollar Entry Pack and Tournament Pack upon entry. Swiss Rounds. Best of 3. Additional Packs will be added per entrant into a pot to be split among top placers. Winner Tournament packs for every 8 players.

MTG EDH & CEDH Commander League

Old School Games And Cards

Join us for our Magic The Gathering EDH & CEDH Commander League every Sunday! Entry is open from 11am-2pm. League ends at 5:30pm. Please read over our League Rules pinned to the top of our Facebook page.

MTG Bloomburrow Commander Party

Old School Games And Cards

At Bloomburrow Commander Party, players choose a Party Card aligned with one of the ten groups of animal folk residing in Bloomburrow and make their way around a wheel of seasons. Some seasons bring bountiful harvest and good weather, while others, well…players will have to work creatively using their animal folk's special skills if they ... Read more

GamerzRUs Locals

Gamerz R Us 3299 Commerce Rd, United States

10 Dollar Entry Pack and Tournament Pack upon entry. Swiss Rounds. Best of 3. Additional Packs will be added per entrant into a pot to be split among top placers. Winner Tournament packs for every 8 players.

Constructed Tournament Lorcana

Get Your Fun On

This will be a constructed event. We will be using the point system for prizes.

MTG EDH Commander League

Old School Games And Cards

Join us for our Magic The Gathering EDH Commander League every Monday! Entry is open from 12pm-4:30pm. League ends at 5:30pm. Please read over our League Rules pinned to the top of our Facebook page.

Modern Monday Magic The Gathering Event

Old School Games And Cards

Monday Night Modern Magic The Gathering Tournament! $6 entry with a store credit and official Magic Promo card prize pool. Bring your best Modern format MTG deck and compete against the top players in the area every Monday night at 6pm.

GamerzRUs One Piece Locals

Gamerz R Us 3299 Commerce Rd, United States

5 Dollar entry, Swiss Rounds, Best of 1 BandaiTCG+ App Registration Required Tournament pack upon entry, (Pirates Party Promo's while avalible.) Store Credit for prizing reflecting attendance.