Space Coast Gaming Events

Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh Tournaments


Calling all Duelist!! Weekly YGO tournaments every Friday from 5pm till close. Come and duel other duelist and be the king of game! $8 buy-in and $5 for food is optional! Winner gets % of the total cash pool! We play every Friday and we hope to have you guys join us! **First Friday of ... Read more

Friday Night Magic Draft

Old School Games And Cards

Friday night Magic The Gathering draft event! Come out and draft the hottest sets for MTG every week starting at 6pm. We are a WPN store and will have promos and other direct from Wizards of the Coast prizes.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Locals

Gamerz R Us 3299 Commerce Rd, United States

10 Dollar Entry 1 Pack and an OTS pack upon entry Best of 3, Swiss Rounds. 1 pack per person will be put into a pot to be split among top placers reflected by attendance.

GamerzRUs Lorcana League

Gamerz R Us 3299 Commerce Rd, United States

10 Dollar Entry Each Entrant will receive 1 booster pack, and 1 booster pack will be put into a pot to be split among top placers reflected by attendance. We will still be keeping track of your League Points during the tournament using your results of each round. We will also still have the free ... Read more

East Coast Anime Pokémon TCG League nights


League night. $5 entry and sign in @ 4:30 pm. Be ready! Swiss round, standard.

Pokemon League Locals

Gamerz R Us 3299 Commerce Rd, United States

10 Dollar entry, League Promo and a standard-priced pack upon entry. 1 1/2 packs per person will be put into a pot to be split among top placers. Standard format, swiss rounds, best of 3.

Dragon Ball Super Locals

Gamerz R Us 3299 Commerce Rd, United States

5 Dollar entry 1 Standard-priced pack and 1 Tournament Pack Upon entry Tournament packs will be used for prizes to reflect attendance. Best of 3, Swiss tournament format.