Commander League
801 Dixon Blvd 3001 Fell Rd, Melbourne, FL, United States$3 entry per pod
$3 entry per pod
$20 entry Draft Pack per person into prizing Promo pack for winner
$10 entry Promo packs and store credit for top placers along with the standard showdown promo for first and then.
$3 entry per pod, there are 2 pods wednesday(5pm and 7pm) and sunday (3pm and 5pm) each season lasts between 6 and 8 weeks and there is a set of ... Read more
$7 entry which comes with a pack on entry plus normal armory promos and then pack prizing for top placers.
$6 entry promo packs for top placers plus store credit or when we have 12 or more people first place gets modern playables such as fetches for first place and ... Read more
Join us for our weekly Magic: The Gathering Friday Night 6:10 Competitive Draft! We are an official WPN store! Come out and play the latest sets and win promos! Our ... Read more
5 Dollar entry, Swiss Rounds, Best of 1 BandaiTCG+ App Registration Required Tournament pack upon entry
$10 entry OTS pack and pack per entry 1 pack per person into prizing