MTG Open House
Old School Games And CardsJoin us for our MTG Open House event! Participation promos and sticker sheets while supplies last.
Join us for our MTG Open House event! Participation promos and sticker sheets while supplies last.
Every 3rd Saturday of the month! Suite 23 in the Titusville Mall. Check in starts at Noon. Prizing based on 30 players. Debut Tournament entry fee is only $20! Registration via Command Tower Join our discord for more information:
22.50 Entry Fee for the Participation Free entry for the tournament! Konami ID will be required!
10 Dollar Entry Each Entrant will receive 1 booster pack, and 1 booster pack will be put into a pot to be split among top placers reflected by attendance. We will still be keeping track of your League Points during the tournament using your results of each round. We will also still have the free ... Read more
30 Dollar Entry Promo upon entry. Each entrant will receive 5 packs to draft with, then play in a Swiss tournament with the contents. 1 1/2 packs per person will be put into a pot to be split among top placers reflected by attendance. (Should these events fall on a Holiday, please check with us ... Read more
Every 3rd Saturday of the month, come and join us on our Pokémon TCG trade nights for kids! Year 14 or younger, legal guardian must be present.
6 Dollar entry, League Promo and a standard-priced pack upon entry. 1 pack per person will be put into a pot to be split among top placers. Standard format, swiss rounds, best of 3.
6 Dollar entry, Each entrant will receive 1 Tournament pack 1 and 1 Energy Marker Promotional Pack upon entry. Top placement for every 8 people will receive one winner pack.
5 Dollar entry 1 Standard-priced pack and 1 Tournament Pack Upon entry Tournament packs will be used for prizes to reflect attendance. Best of 3, Swiss tournament format.
10 Dollar Entry Pack and Tournament Pack upon entry. Swiss Rounds. Best of 3. Additional Packs will be added per entrant into a pot to be split among top placers. Winner Tournament packs for every 8 players.