Space Coast Gaming Events

Pokemon League Locals

Gamerz R Us 3299 Commerce Rd, United States

6 Dollar entry, League Promo and a standard-priced pack upon entry. 1 pack per person will be put into a pot to be split among top placers. Standard format, swiss rounds, best of 3.

Lorcana Draft

Get Your Fun On

Welcome Illuminers! Come join us for a 4 pack draft of the current released Lorcana set. Entry is $30 Game play is 2 round games. Prize packs will be given out using the point system.

Dragon Ball Super Locals

Gamerz R Us 3299 Commerce Rd, United States

5 Dollar entry 1 Standard-priced pack and 1 Tournament Pack Upon entry Tournament packs will be used for prizes to reflect attendance. Best of 3, Swiss tournament format.

GamerzRUs Digimon Locals

Gamerz R Us 3299 Commerce Rd, United States

10 Dollar Entry Pack and Tournament Pack upon entry. Swiss Rounds. Best of 3. Additional Packs will be added per entrant into a pot to be split among top placers. Winner Tournament packs for every 8 players.

Saturday Standard

3020 West New Haven Ave. Melbourne, FL, United States

$10 entry 100 % of entry goes into Store Credit prize pool. Store credit or promos down to last place (must stay till end for standings)

DBS: Fusion World Locals

Gamerz R Us 3299 Commerce Rd, United States

6 Dollar entry, Each entrant will receive 1 Tournament pack 1 and 1 Energy Marker Promotional Pack upon entry. Top placement for every 8 people will receive one winner pack.

MTG EDH & CEDH Commander League

Old School Games And Cards

Join us for our Magic The Gathering EDH & CEDH Commander League every Sunday! Entry is open from 11am-2pm. League ends at 5:30pm. Please read over our League Rules pinned to the top of our Facebook page.

MTG Open House

Old School Games And Cards

Join us for our MTG Open House. Purchase 2 Jumpstart packs or a Starter Kit and play some casual games. This event is perfect for new and experienced players! Participation promos while supplies last.

GamerzRUs Locals

Gamerz R Us 3299 Commerce Rd, United States

10 Dollar Entry Pack and Tournament Pack upon entry. Swiss Rounds. Best of 3. Additional Packs will be added per entrant into a pot to be split among top placers. Winner Tournament packs for every 8 players.

Constructed Tournament Lorcana

Get Your Fun On

This will be a constructed event. We will be using the point system for prizes.