Space Coast Gaming Events

Weekly Yu-gi-oh

801 Dixon Blvd 3001 Fell Rd, Melbourne, FL, United States

$10 entry OTS pack and pack per entry 1 pack per person into prizing

Magic Academy: Deckbuilding Event!

Old School Games And Cards

Join us for our Magic Academy: Deck Building event! Participants will receive a learn to play brochure and pocket reference card and a sticker sheet. Participants who purchase any Starter ... Read more

GamerzRUs Lorcana League

Gamerz R Us 3299 Commerce Rd, United States

Lorcana League Free play and open play Join us every Saturday

Lorcana Weekly draft

801 Dixon Blvd 3001 Fell Rd, Melbourne, FL, United States

$25 Entry 3 pack draft pack per person on entry Packer per person into prizing

Union Arena Weekly Tournament

801 Dixon Blvd 3001 Fell Rd, Melbourne, FL, United States

$5 entry constructed format 1 Tournament pack per participant 1 winner card per 8 players

Digimon Locals

801 Dixon Blvd 3001 Fell Rd, Melbourne, FL, United States

$5 Dollar Entry Pack and Tournament Pack upon entry. Swiss Rounds. Best of 3. Winner Tournament packs for every 8 players

DBS Locals

801 Dixon Blvd 3001 Fell Rd, Melbourne, FL, United States

$5 Dollar Entry Pack and Tournament Pack upon entry. Swiss Rounds. Best of 3. Winner Tournament packs for every 8 players

Digimon Locals

801 Dixon Blvd 3001 Fell Rd, Melbourne, FL, United States

$5 Dollar Entry Pack and Tournament Pack upon entry. Swiss Rounds. Best of 3. Winner Tournament packs for every 8 players

Commander League

801 Dixon Blvd 3001 Fell Rd, Melbourne, FL, United States

$3 entry per pod

Standard weekly

801 Dixon Blvd 3001 Fell Rd, Melbourne, FL, United States

$10 entry Promo packs and store credit for top placers along with the standard showdown promo for first and then.